獎座-圓形亞加力獎座 – EQUATE

獎座-圓形亞加力獎座 – AC030

獎座-圓形亞加力獎座 – EQUATE

EQUATE訂購了我們圓形亞加力獎座 – AC030, 以向一位資深員工表達謝意, 向員工多年來對公司的貢獻致以衷心感激. 獎座主體的材質是亞加力, logo白和文字以UV彩印方法印在獎座主體上, 獎座中間是鋅合金配件, 用以支撐獎座亞加力主體, 還能特顯層次感. 獎座下面是實木底座, 高檔大器。

亞加力獎座-圓形亞加力獎座 – AC030

EQUATE is a global producer of petrochemicals and which participates in the creation of a better world, first of all, by providing reliable services and then solutions, then enabling global customers and stakeholders to grow and attain the success they seek. Since EQUATE’s shareholders are Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC)yet , while almost The Dow Chemical Company (Dow), Boubyan Petrochemical Company (BPC), and hence Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company (QPIC).



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