水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – 香港哥爾夫球會

水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – 香港哥爾夫球會

水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – JR0102

香港哥爾夫球會今年舉辦了幾個球類比賽給員工參與, 提升士氣, 促進員工交流, 球會選用了近年的運動比賽流行用的水晶獎杯代替傳統金屬獎杯.水晶獎杯較為高檔, 用料上乘.

水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – 香港哥爾夫球會

圖中的水晶獎杯是我們水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – JR0102, 水晶獎杯主體為透明水晶, 頂部貼了一塊星形黃水晶, 禹意勝利, 水晶獎杯主體刻了籃板和籃網, 表面更貼了一個仿真度極高的袖珍籃球, 水晶獎杯底座是黑水晶製成, 以金色填滿了整個正面(金色範圍是凹下的), 香港哥爾夫球會名字, LOGO, 賽事資料是縷空的(黑色位置是黑水晶, 是凸出來的), 以作紀念. 相信勝出隊伍收到水晶獎杯時一定很開心.


Hong Kong Golf Club was founded in 1889 with the original course and clubhouse being located within the race course in Happy Valley. Work on the OLD Course at Fanling started in 1911 with the first tee shot being struck in December 1913. It was followed in 1931 by the opening of the NEW Course and in 1971 by the addition of the EDEN Course. All three are 18 holes, internationally acclaimed championship golf courses.

The clubhouse at Fanling was constructed in 1911 and is a Grade II Heritage Building. The Pavilion on the OLD Course was opened in 1918 and is a Grade III Heritage Building. The Fanling Lodge was built as a residence for the former Governors of Hong Kong in 1934 and is used to this day as a residence for the Chief Executive. It is a Grade I Heritage Building.

There are 69 ancestral graves and more than 80 urns located throughout the three courses at Fanling. Some of the graves date back several hundred years to the Ching and Ming dynasties. The graves are the ancestral burial places for the five clans of indigenous villagers that still live in the communities surrounding the Club.




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