畢業紀念品 – 金屬襟章 – City University of Hong Kong
畢業紀念品 – 金屬襟章 – City University of Hong Kong
城市大學中的AIS Department向我們訂製了一批襟章作為畢業紀念品,是為了這一屆畢業生所準備的,一個小小的金屬襟章,包含著他們對畢業生的一點心意和滿滿的祝福,同時象徵著是department of Asian and Internation studies畢業的學生。
這個金屬襟章的size為31.8mm x 27.7mm,形狀是一頂畢業帽,運用沖壓不上色和鍍金的方式,字包括CityU Class of 2017和AiS及畢業帽的線條皆為凸起金屬,底部是凹下磨沙。

Welcome to the Department of Asian and International Studies (AIS) at the City University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, as the gateway to China and located in the geographic centre of East Asia, is an ideal place for an international studies department focused on this region.
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