由陳恩碩創辦,以推廣香港表演藝術為目標。致力製作大眾化的戲劇節目、擴展舞台劇的觀眾層面。2014年,獲得美國美高梅電影公司授權,大規模製作《Singin’ in the Rain》全球首個粵語版本為創團作品。該劇目由高志森監製,王宗堯及麥貝夷主演,並請來張錦程及何遠東等重量級演員於錄像中客串。因於台上現場重現經典雨景一幕,成為一時熱話。胡渭康、魯芬、王君馨、徐子珊、李亞男、梁小冰、大公報、經濟日報劇評等一致讚好。
Human Dynamic was founded in 1993 and has since grown to become one of the leading people management consultancies, capable of providing culturally-congruent services through Human Dynamic’s direct offices in major cities across Asia and beyond. Over the years, Human Dynamic is privileged to have been the preferred people management partner for more than 100 companies, including local businesses and multinational firms. Today, we remain committed to ensuring that we continue to grow and improve, so that we continue to provide state-of-the-art solutions and quality services, while localizing your global needs.
St. Joseph’s College has undergone many changes since its establishment in 1875. Our College is now one of the most prestigious schools in Hong Kong, in both academic and extra-curricular areas.
Academically, Josephians have consistently scored outstanding results in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) as well as Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE). We have a high university entrance rate and a number of our students have also gone on to top universities around the world.
Over the years, St. Joseph’s College has built up a strong reputation in extra-curricular circles. Our students actively participate in inter-school sports competitions and have achieved encouraging results. A number of them have also served in inter-school organizations and some have even represented Hong Kong in Continental and International Olympiad in Mathematics and Informatics.
近日來有不少學校找我們製造一些學校襟章,相信是為了即將開始的新學年作好準備。聖馬可中學亦是當中的一員,他們總共製造了26個學校襟章,分別是為了不同職位的同學所準備,當中包括prefect, librarian and student union。
學校襟章 – PIN007 – 襟章 – 學校襟章
聖馬可中學 – St. Mark’s School was founded at Glenealy in Central in 1949, first known as St. Paul’s English PM School. It was renamed St. Mark’s School in 1953, and moved to Shaukeiwan Road in 1956. In 2001, it was relocated to its present site, a brand new building in Aldrich Bay.