流星金銀銅獎座獎杯 – OS034 – 香港吸煙與健康委員會(COSH)

流星金銀銅獎座獎杯 – OS034 – 香港吸煙與健康委員會(COSH)


流星金銀銅獎座獎杯 – OS034


香港吸煙與健康委員會(COSH)早前舉辦了 ‘戒煙招式’插畫設計比賽, 向我們訂購了流星金銀銅獎座獎杯 – OS034, 流星金銀銅獎座獎杯頂部是鋅合金製成的金星銀星銅星, 底座是實木, 我們採用了天然木材, 所以每個實木底座的色澤, 木紋均是獨一無二的. 實木底座是正面貼上絲印金屬片, 金屬片有金, 銀,銅三個選擇. 絲印金屬片可以印漸變色效果, 可印較複雜圖案(如人像, 景色), 顏色鮮艷. 流星金銀銅獎座獎杯比一般金屬獎杯高貴大方, 可以說是各類比賽獎杯的不二之選!

流星金銀銅獎座獎杯 – OS034 – 香港吸煙與健康委員會(COSH)

The Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health was established under its own ordinance in 1987. It is a statutory body vested with functions, as set out in the “Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Ordinance” (Cap.389) to protect and improve the health of the community by:


  • informing and educating the public on smoking and health matters;
  • conducting and coordinating research into the cause, prevention and cure of tobacco dependence;
  • advising Government, community health organizations or any public body on matters relating to smoking and health.
  • Under such charter, COSH has taken up the role as an active player and commentator on all issues relating to tobacco control. We aim to act within our charter in response to the changing local environment as it affects the promotion of tobacco and the epidemic caused by smoking.






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證書架 -亞加力無縫證書架(配沙金片) -渠務署

證書架-亞加力無縫證書架(配沙金片) – AC001

證書架-亞加力無縫證書架(配沙金片) -渠務署

較早前,渠務署問過我們除了最普遍的紙證書放在相架, 有沒有其他特別一點的提議. 我們便提議了 ’相架/證書架-亞加力無縫證書架(配沙金片) – AC001’. 此亞加力證書架是用無縫熱壓的技術, 把金屬片證書完好無缺地鑲嵌在亞加力證書架內, 金屬片可選沙銀片或沙金片, 橫放豎放均可以, 10個起訂.

相架/證書架-亞加力無縫證書架(配沙金片) -渠務署

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) is a department of the Hong Kong Government responsible for drainage and sewerage. Since 2007 it has been subordinate to the Development Bureau. The department is responsible for stormwater drainage, sewage collection and treatment, and flood prevention.




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退休水晶獎座-藍帆帆形水晶獎座 – 宣道會鄭榮之中學

退休水晶獎座-藍帆帆形水晶獎座 – JR0268

退休水晶獎座 -藍帆帆形水晶獎座 – 宣道會鄭榮之中學

平常很多客人會問退休禮物有甚麼建議. 我們推介帆形水晶獎座, 水晶獎座一向高檔, 用料上乘, 妥善保存的話, 放上10年也如同新的一樣, 再者, 帆形禹意一帆風順, 事事順順利利, 實為退休水晶獎座的理想之選.

退休水晶獎座-藍帆帆形水晶獎座 – 宣道會鄭榮之中學

宣道會鄭榮之中學校友會訂了一個帆形水晶獎座送給即將退休的譚老師, 以答謝譚老師多年來的教導. 圖中是水晶獎座-藍帆帆形水晶獎座 – JR0268, 水晶獎座背面反刻了鄭榮之中學logo, 正面以金色刻了文字資料和賀詞 ”榮休之喜 主恩滿載” , 相信譚老師收到我們生產的水晶獎時一定很開心.


香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會鄭榮之中學(因全名頗長,學校文件上簡稱宣道會鄭榮之中學,日常使用以鄭榮之作簡稱;英文全名Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College,簡稱CACWGC或CWGC),位置大圍積運街12至14號,因毗鄰一家於沙田區內有名的酒家新強記,故一直有師生會暱稱學校為「鄭記」,為沙田區其中一所Band 1英中。香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會於1984年創辦該校。 在1984年9月至1985年1月需借用秦石邨前佛教明珠學校(已停辦)校舍。




電話: 2755 3313

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電郵: info@hkbestaward.com


水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – 香港哥爾夫球會

水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – 香港哥爾夫球會

水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – JR0102

香港哥爾夫球會今年舉辦了幾個球類比賽給員工參與, 提升士氣, 促進員工交流, 球會選用了近年的運動比賽流行用的水晶獎杯代替傳統金屬獎杯.水晶獎杯較為高檔, 用料上乘.

水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – 香港哥爾夫球會

圖中的水晶獎杯是我們水晶獎杯-籃球星球水晶獎杯 – JR0102, 水晶獎杯主體為透明水晶, 頂部貼了一塊星形黃水晶, 禹意勝利, 水晶獎杯主體刻了籃板和籃網, 表面更貼了一個仿真度極高的袖珍籃球, 水晶獎杯底座是黑水晶製成, 以金色填滿了整個正面(金色範圍是凹下的), 香港哥爾夫球會名字, LOGO, 賽事資料是縷空的(黑色位置是黑水晶, 是凸出來的), 以作紀念. 相信勝出隊伍收到水晶獎杯時一定很開心.


Hong Kong Golf Club was founded in 1889 with the original course and clubhouse being located within the race course in Happy Valley. Work on the OLD Course at Fanling started in 1911 with the first tee shot being struck in December 1913. It was followed in 1931 by the opening of the NEW Course and in 1971 by the addition of the EDEN Course. All three are 18 holes, internationally acclaimed championship golf courses.

The clubhouse at Fanling was constructed in 1911 and is a Grade II Heritage Building. The Pavilion on the OLD Course was opened in 1918 and is a Grade III Heritage Building. The Fanling Lodge was built as a residence for the former Governors of Hong Kong in 1934 and is used to this day as a residence for the Chief Executive. It is a Grade I Heritage Building.

There are 69 ancestral graves and more than 80 urns located throughout the three courses at Fanling. Some of the graves date back several hundred years to the Ching and Ming dynasties. The graves are the ancestral burial places for the five clans of indigenous villagers that still live in the communities surrounding the Club.




電話: 2755 3313

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電郵: info@hkbestaward.com







Daiwa logo禮盒

Daiwa Capital Markets Hong Kong Limited 大和資本市場香港有限公司 is a Licensed Corporation with the Securities and Future Commission (CE No: AAB639) and a Participant of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited.



電話: 2755 3313

WhatsApp 查詢: 9846 3313

電郵: info@hkbestaward.com






金屬證書製作一般分為3種: 1. 蝕刻金屬證書-把文字和logo直接刻在金屬片並上顏色,金屬片會呈現凹凸效果。這種技術只適用於文字和簡單logo。2.熱轉印金屬證書-這種技術適用於各種複雜logo和文字,所以多數的證書會用這技術。這技術把證書的複雜logo和文字直接印在金屬片上,金屬片上會是平滑的。但這技術不能印上白色,白色的地方會呈顯金屬底色。要印上白色,就要用第3種-UV印刷金屬證書(就是這次所用的技術)。金屬片印刷的部分會有輕微凸起感覺。


UV列印(UV Printing)是透過紫外線在噴印的同時快速乾燥,可形成高厚度高附著度之油墨層,與網版印刷(Screen Printing)有相似之處,且無汙染,為無版非接觸式印刷。可承印材質廣泛,印墨成份穩定,加上可及時依需求印刷,是未來主要發展的印刷方式之一。


香港理工大學(英文:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;縮寫:PolyU),簡稱理大,是一所坐落於香港九龍紅磡灣的公立應用型大學。該校前身可追溯至1937年,並於1994年正名為香港理工大學,是八間大學教育資助委員會(教資會)轄下的法定公立大學之一。

PolyU80 logo



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水晶獎座-金屬星斜面水晶獎座 – 聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)

水晶獎座-金屬星斜面水晶獎座 – JR0575

水晶獎座-金屬星斜面水晶獎座 – 聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)

聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑(UNICEF CHARITY RUN)是香港一年一度的盛事, 每年都齊集全港長跑好手參與, 既可做善事, 又可強身健體.

水晶獎座-金屬星斜面水晶獎座 – 聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)

近年來慈善跑所有獎品, 紀念品均由我司承辦, 圖片的水晶獎座我們的金屬星斜面水晶獎座 – JR0575, 有205mm / 225mm / 245mm 3個高度, 水晶獎座的頂部配以金屬星星 (可以選舉金,銀,銅星), 水晶獎座上刻了UNICEF的logo, 賽事, 組別, 名次, 賽事日期.


話說回來, 2017的聯合國兒童基金會慈善跑又快開始接受報名了, 大家準備好未?!


UNICEF promotes the rights and while well-being of every child, in everything we do.  Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, in addition focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

UNICEF is a leading humanitarian and development agency working globally for the rights of every child. Furthermore, Child rights begin with safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflict and traverse the life cycle: pre-natal care for healthy births, clean water and sanitation, health care and education.

UNICEF has spent nearly 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Working with and for children through adolescence and into adulthood requires a global presence whose goal is to produce results and monitor their effects. UNICEF also lobbies and partners with leaders, thinkers and policy makers to help all children realize their rights—especially the most disadvantaged.



電話: 2755 3313

WhatsApp 查詢: 9846 3313

電郵: info@hkbestaward.com

網站: http://www.hkbestaward.com

袖口鈕 | 袖扣 – Mount Nicholson

袖口鈕 | 袖扣 – PIN008

袖口鈕 | 袖扣 – Mount Nicholson

圖中袖口鈕是為南豐集團山頂樓盤Mount Nicholson的物業管理人員制服作配襯, 袖口鈕產品是以鋅合金制成, 背面是袖鈕腳, 由於袖口鈕產品要開模生產, 50對起訂. 圖中袖口鈕以沖壓工藝生產, 客人選擇不上色, 簡約優雅地把樓盤Mount Nicholson的LOGO呈現出來, 配戴在制服上更能襯托出Mount Nicholson的尊貴格調.

袖口鈕 | 袖扣 – Mount Nicholson

袖口鈕 | 袖扣主要材質為銅/鋅合金, 可選擇鍍上各種金屬色(如銀色, 金色, 銅色, 亮銀色, 亮金色等等), 可選擇上色/不上色, 滴膠/不可滴膠,。每對袖口鈕 | 袖扣用獨立透明膠袋包裝, 起訂量低(50對以上), 背面默認為袖鈕腳。


Nan Fung Group (Chinese: 南豐集團) is a privately held group of companies carrying on the business of property development as its core business in Greater China, including shipping, textiles and financial services. It is also one of the leading property developers and largest privately held developers in Hong Kong


Nan Fung Group has property development as its core business. The group entered the property development business in the mid-1960s in Hong Kong by purchasing residential and commercial buildings and then by land acquisition for development. In the mid-1990s, the group began investing in China’s property market and since 2001 has built projects in major Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.The group is also involved in international projects as sole investor or as a joint venture partner in major cities around the world.[5]

Nan Fung Group diversifies in businesses in areas such as property construction, property management, property finance, hotel and the shipping industries.[



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電郵: info@hkbestaward.com

網站: http://www.hkbestaward.com

水晶獎牌, 通用獎牌 – Morgan Stanley

水晶獎牌, 通用獎牌 – Morgan Stanley

通用獎牌 – ME001水晶獎牌

Morgan Stanley亞太區員工籃球賽今年在泰國曼谷舉行, 有別於往年, Morgan Stanley今年接納了我們的意見, 選用了水晶獎牌作為勝出參賽者的獎品. 水晶獎牌以K9級水晶製成, 晶瑩剔透, 客人的LOGO和文字資料可以選擇磨沙刻字或UV彩印(只能二選其一), 內容只能印一面. 水晶獎牌比一般金屬獎牌高貴大方, 可以說是各類比賽獎牌的不二之選!

水晶獎牌, 通用獎牌 – Morgan Stanley


Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services. This firm also providing investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. Furthermore, it headquarter at 1585 Broadway in the Morgan Stanley Building, Midtown Manhattan, New York City. With offices in more than 42 countries and more than 55,000 employees, the firm’s clients include corporations, governments, institutions and individuals.[1]

Morgan Stanley, which formed by J.P. Morgan and Co. partners Henry Sturgis Morgan (grandson of J.P. Morgan), hence Harold Stanley and others, that hence came into existence due to while on September 16, 1935, and in response that required the splitting of commercial and investment banking businesses. Therefore in its first year the company operated with a 24% market share (US$1.1 billion) in public offerings and private same placements. The main areas of business for the firm today are while and Institutional Securities, Wealth Management and Investment Management.



電話: 2755 3313

WhatsApp 查詢: 9846 3313

電郵: info@hkbestaward.com
