感謝醫生系列 – 銀碟紀念禮品

感謝醫生系列 – 銀碟紀念禮品




產品名稱: 銀碟-萬壽蝕刻直接蝕刻銀碟 SP001

尺吋:  20cm / 23.5cm / 25cm / 29cm

提供服務: 免費排稿 / 刻字 / 商標上色 (1C)  / 送腳架

感謝醫生系列 – 銀碟紀念禮品
感謝醫生系列 – 銀碟紀念禮品



電話: 2755 3313

WhatsApp 查詢: 9846 3313

電郵: info@hkbestaward.com

網站: http://www.hkbestaward.com

蝕刻銀碟-百花弄直接蝕刻銀碟 -太古旅遊

蝕刻銀碟-百花弄直接蝕刻銀碟 – SP016

蝕刻銀碟-百花弄直接蝕刻銀碟 -太古旅遊

蝕刻銀碟-百花弄直接蝕刻銀碟 -太古旅遊

太古旅遊主席邵世昌先生早前調任太古集團, 太古旅遊向我們訂購了 蝕刻銀碟 -百花弄直接蝕刻銀碟 – SP016 送給邵先生, 以多謝邵先生多年來在太古旅遊的付出和貢獻. 蝕刻銀碟-百花弄直接蝕刻銀碟 – SP016 是由高純度純錫鑄造, 四周是浮雕花葉作配襯, 蝕刻銀碟配以木腳架, 高檔木禮盒. 圖中可見, 蝕刻銀碟上刻了 太古旅遊的logo, 主席邵世昌先生,祝賀字句, 下款和日期, 蝕刻後按客戶要求上色. 蝕刻銀碟高貴大方, 一定是送禮的好選擇!

Established in 1948, Swire Travel is one of Hong Kong’s largest travel management companie. They have probably steadily built up their business by providing a one-stop travel solution. Because that covers everything from initial planning to your final trip home. As evidence of our respected standing, we are amost the first agent (Licence No.: 350001) appointed to the Hong Kong Travel Industry Council (TIC). Over the years yet, Swire Travel has almost won many industry awards.


Being a member of GlobalStar Travel Management since 2006. And while Swire Travel enjoys hence close relationships with since travel specialists from almost all over the world. This alliance enables us to negotiate the best possible airline and hotel rates for our patrons. Because the extensive network of agents also enhances our local expertise, due to cultural sensitivity and global scope – powerful synergies that help us to give our clients more responsive and dynamic services with exceptional value.

Since 1948, Swire Travel, has been providing a world of exciting travel choices therefore for both companies and individuals. Hence we continually strive to be the leading travel management company in Hong Kong, as a result by delivering reliable, professional, efficient and caring services to travellers. If you are looking for insightful local knowledge and assistance on a global basis, let us be your trusted travel partner.





電話: 2755 3313

WhatsApp 查詢: 9846 3313

電郵: info@hkbestaward.com

網站: http://www.hkbestaward.com