香港科技大學(英文:The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,縮寫:HKUST),簡稱科大,是一所坐落於香港清水灣半島的公立研究型大學。於1991年成立的香港科技大學,也是香港同時期最年輕的專上院校,由於該校於籌辦期間同步進行學術評審及通過立法程序,因此成立時已為一所大學。香港科技大學目前由商學院、工程學院、理學院及人文社會科學院組成,另設一個負責處理跨學科課程的跨學系部門。除此之外,科大在南沙的霍英東研究院則旨在擴大校方於學術研究方面的影響力。該校連續多年獲評為香港三所最佳高等學府之一。
每年8月,海洋公園都會為大熊貓慶祝生日。適逢今年海洋公園開業40周年以及香港回歸20周年,公園將舉行大熊貓生日派對,並將首次展出一系列以大熊貓為主題的時裝,及24款全新設計大熊貓圖案T恤。為此,海洋公園舉辦「Made in HK 香港製造」大熊貓T恤設計比賽,誠邀港人發揮創意,遞交作品。
本司有幸被選為是次海洋公園「Made in HK 香港製造」大熊貓T恤設計比賽水晶獎座供應商。經本司製作團隊和理大設計團隊緊密合作後,終於把這獨一無二的水晶獎座完成。
我們把黑水晶切割成長方柱體,然後再切斜面。在斜面上刻上比賽資料(上白色),冠軍(上金色),亞軍(上銀色),季軍(上銅色)和得獎者名字。這獎座最特別地方就是主題”香港製造Made in Hong Kong”, 客戶選了書法字型,我們把四字刻上,不上顏色,做成層次。然後把客戶設計的Made in Hong Kong logo絲印在黑水晶上。水晶獎座出來效果十分滿意!
香港專業教育學院(英文:Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education,縮寫:IVE),是香港職業訓練局的成員院校,自創辦起一直受政府資助。香港專業教育學院的前身是工業學院(Technical Institute,TI)及科技學院(Technical College,TC)。1999年3月,兩間科技學院和七間工業學院合併成為一所協作運作的學院,並定名為「香港專業教育學院」。香港專業教育學院現有九間分校,分別是:柴灣、黃克競、李惠利、沙田、葵涌、觀塘、青衣、摩利臣山、屯門。
Hong Kong Golf Club was founded in 1889 with the original course and clubhouse being located within the race course in Happy Valley. Work on the OLD Course at Fanling started in 1911 with the first tee shot being struck in December 1913. It was followed in 1931 by the opening of the NEW Course and in 1971 by the addition of the EDEN Course. All three are 18 holes, internationally acclaimed championship golf courses.
The clubhouse at Fanling was constructed in 1911 and is a Grade II Heritage Building. The Pavilion on the OLD Course was opened in 1918 and is a Grade III Heritage Building. The Fanling Lodge was built as a residence for the former Governors of Hong Kong in 1934 and is used to this day as a residence for the Chief Executive. It is a Grade I Heritage Building.
There are 69 ancestral graves and more than 80 urns located throughout the three courses at Fanling. Some of the graves date back several hundred years to the Ching and Ming dynasties. The graves are the ancestral burial places for the five clans of indigenous villagers that still live in the communities surrounding the Club.